Monday, 12 April 2010

5 min presentation

A very long while ago back in the first term, we were set the task during a PPRD session to produce a 5 minute presentation, to include details about where we are now, what has got us here and where we intent to go from now.

I did in fact take the time to produce a lovely powerpoint presentation of my own, but typically, as it was such a long time ago..! the powerpoint has been swallowed up into infinity and is somewhere on my old computer (which conked out a few months ago, and has been replaced with a spanking new gem of an acer :) so no powerpoint slides to show im afriad!) I've tried to remember what was on there, nothing thrilling, just a bit of background I spose. And the 5 yr plan below probably backs up what was on the powerpoint a bit better now anyway. I still have paper copy of powerpoint somewhere, if desperately need to see it!! But hopefully you remember it from the presentation session.

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